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  • Stock: In Stock
  • SKU: 76506MF

For osteoarthritis and the elimination of crystallization.

Product composed entirely of plants to improve the irrigation of the joints thus favouring the provisioning of assimilable silica to the cartilaginous tissues and improving the viscosity of synovial fluid.

Box of 90 capsules
Box of 210 capsules

Plant Origin Capsules in Pullulan. To find out more Click HERE

Also in preventive use

 Advantageous prices for large formats of 210   capsules. No additional discount is applicable. 

ArthroMine 210 [76506-210]
ArthroMine 210 x 1
ArthroMine 90 [76506-90]
ArthroMine 90 x 1

Allowin for a better irrigation of the cartilage located at the articulation, thus improving the inflow of silica to the cartilaginous fabric ant its fixation. It also improves the viscosity of the synovial liquid. Inhibits the natural process of destruction of the cartilage. 

Osteoarthritis in short
Osteoarthritis is a degradation of the cartilage of the articulations; it is sometimes accompanied by the inflammation of the synovial liquid but without infection. The more or less rapid and gradual destruction of the cartilage located at the extremities of the bones is generally the consequence of this degeneration. 

The cartilage is a living tissue and the cartilaginous fabric is in constant regeneration. For healthy and not very old people the production process of chrondrocytes (cartilage cells) is opposed and balanced with the process of their destruction.  It is the phenomenon of replacement. When the process of destruction wins over the regeneration process of the cartilage, its thickness decreases and the articulation is damaged. 


Some facts about articular pains
Articular pains have numerous causes. The widely used word rheumatism includes any painful condition, acute or chronic, that hinder articulatory functions.

Under this banner we find infectious rheumatism, inflammatory rheumatism, (rheumatoid arthritis), Micro-crystal rheumatism (Gouty arthritis, calcification of tendons), degenerative rheumatism (osteo-arthrosis, arthritis).

Each form of articular condition requires to be clearly identified, in order to be to be treated appropriately. It is therefore necessary to get a professional medical diagnosis.


Action of ArthroMine
ArthroMine is made of plants and natural substances with added sulphur (food quality sulphur). The ArthroMine compound is targeting the following objectives:

  • Reduction of the articular tissues inflammations

  • Alleviation of articular pains

  • Dissolution of crystallizations (uric acid – calcifications)

  • Improvement of the viscosity of the synovial fluid

  • Improvement of the blood irrigation of the articular tissues favouring the inflow of easily assimilated silica to preserve and restore the cartilages

ArthroMine does not contain any corticosteroids to take care of inflammation; therefore there are no risks for bones demineralization, which would weaken furthermore the functional capacity of the articulations. Much to the contrary, some of the plants found in ArthroMine contain silica, which contributes to strengthen the bones and to preserve the binding between the bone and cartilage tissues.


As an initial approach, take 3 capsules of ArthroMine per day for 10 to 20 days according to the severity of the condition. Then reduce to 2 capsules per day. A full cure can spread over a 2 to 6 month period, or more, again it varies according to the severity of the condition.

As a preventive approach, take one to two capsules per day. Always take the capsules after a meal.

Warning: People allergic to sulphur should not use ArthroMine


Apium graveolens, Sulfur, Peganum harmala, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Brassica rapa, Gummi Tragacanthae - Plant origin capsules



As an initial approach, take 3 capsules of ArthroMine per day for 10 to 20 days according to the severity of the condition. Then reduce to 2 capsules per day. A full cure can spread over a 2 to 6 month period, or more, again it varies according to the severity of the condition.

As a preventive approach, take one to two capsules per day. Always take the capsules after a meal.

Warning: People allergic to sulphur should not use ArthroMine


Apium graveolens, Sulfur, Peganum harmala, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Brassica rapa, Gummi Tragacanthae - Plant origin capsules

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Here are the Symptoms and Diseases for which ArthroMine provides a solution.

Click on the following links and the Symptoms and Diseases pages will be displayed in Pop-Up windows.

The overall score for the product satisfaction index regarding ALL of the Botavie products is 81.9%*

Satisfaction index for the product ArthroMine covering the 2015-2017 period: 77.8%

*Total number of respondents: 2131. The feedback appreciation scale is fairly simple:  1: Inefficient - 2: Disappointing - 3: Satisfactory - 4: Good - 5: Excellent ( a product with an average score of 4.13 out of 5 will translate into a 82.6 % score).


"My husband is very happy with your products, he took ArthroMine and DynOrgan to his sciatica problem and in 10 days the problem vanished. We are very happy. He keeps on taking ArthroMine and it's going very well. "
Mrs Claude G. - Saumur, France


" Date: 12/23/2010  Gentlemen
Let me give you the result of my treatment with ARTHROMINE.

I am suffering for many years from osteoarthritis (among others things), with a cervical narrowing pinching the spine, a condition severe enough that the doctors, after x ray and MRI examination had only one solution: wait until it becomes unbearable then undergo surgery that might pose a serious threat of nerve damages with a possibility of partial paralysis!

I felt pain (mostly at night) at the shoulder level and it radiated with numbness down to the hands. I was also feeling "rusty" in the morning and felt in a state of general fatigue. Knowing your lab already for for I have used Mouse-O-Soft Balm, I started the ArthroMine treatment on July 15 with 3 capsules per day. After 15 days of treatment, the tingling in the arms started to go away. Three months later the pain had reduced by about 60%. I felt generally in better shape, more dynamic and with more flexible joints.

Today, after 5 months of treatment (it is recommended to follow the treatment for at least 6 months) the pain in the neck and numbness have disappeared by about 90%. And no side effects at all.
I have not undergone any other treatment.
This result is totally to the credit of ArthroMine.
The price of this product made me hesitate a while before I decided to buy it. I do not regret this “Health” investment. Health is priceless!

My only regret is to continue to pay social security for nothing! When will the medical authorities admit that they do not have a monopoly on our health and especially by refusing to admit that natural products are essential for the public's health. Allopathic medicine is not the panacea they want us to believe.

We could dramatically reduce the huge deficits of the public health institutions.
I am completely satisfied with this product, in the waiting of a new MRI examination, in order to validate what I feel. I authorize you to make good use of this letter.
Gentlemen, please accept my very best "

Mr Alain Durand, Blois, France

TWO YEARS LATER: The 05/23/2012


Following my letter dated 12/23/2010
Concerning the treatment of my cervical spondylosis.
I just had a MRI Scan to monitor the evolution of my problem.
The conclusion is: no aggravation, the image shows a perfect stabilization. That said, I stopped the treatment for 6 months. I no longer have any pain in the neck and I have no general body aches as mentioned in my first letter. Nevertheless, I shall restart the ARTHROMINE treatment to maintain my condition and maybe hope for a reduction of my current osteoarthritis.

Mr Alain Durand, Blois, France

THREE YEARS LATER: The 05/27/2013

Osteoarthritis: in treatment for 2 years with ArthroMine mainly for cervical spondylosis, I continue the treatment alternately (1 month out of 2). It continues to produce its effects which are felt in an overall easing in the limbs and also, the well-known arthritis attacks are less frequent and less severe.

The treatment is holding as the disease at bay. The investment is therefore useful.
Mr Alain Durand, Blois, France


"I have been using ArthroMine for a year for osteoarthritis that I have had for years, with ArthroMine the pain has almost disappeared and I am now able to do all the movements, I am satisfied with this product. "
Mr  Francis M. L’Etrat, FRANCE


"I subscribe to the Pratiques de Santé magazine (a French natural Medicine magazine ), and an article talked about the effects of ArthroMine. At first the price was a bit sobering, and then the pain was so great and I didn't know what tdo, I could not even raise my arms to do my hair, it was a nightmare!

I decided to try ArthroMine and ordered a treatment for 5 months, but after only 15 days the pain had decreased noticeably and after 1 month of treatment there was no more pain! I now lift my arms without any problems.

Congratulations Botavie a clear round for your products and moreover for natural products..........»
Mrs Camille. B Alpes-Maritimes, France


"Regarding the treatment (ArthroMine) that I am following for one week now, I already noticed an improvement, the pain at night is less violent. I will certainly keep you abreast of developments. Thank you!”
Mrs Monique L. - Villelaure, France


“I have started the ArthroMine treatment on the 1st of April 2005, taking 3 capsules per day for two months – in June and July, 2 capsules per day – August and September, 1 capsule per day. Then two times per week for some months. The pains I had in the hands and knees had totally disappeared. One month ago some pains in my back have surfaced; I restarted the treatment with 2 capsules per day. What is the “maintenance” dosage I should take?”
Mrs Marie-Thérèse C. - Campbon, France


Total satisfaction for the three products: ArthroMine – A-Prostine – JadeNail”
Mr. Gabriel C. - Azille, France


« High quality products, I spread the word around me, ArthroMine is excellent 5/5. Very good after sale service.”
Mr. Robert H. - St Sulpice, France


Expensive but excellent products, I try to make them known around me. I renew my ArthroMine order it certainly scores a 4 on 5.”
Mrs Monique B. - Egriselles, France


My mother uses ArthroMine, really an excellent product. Thank you for everything.”
Mr. Patrick K - Schleithal, France


I have ordered both products (DynOrgan and ArthroMine) they have worked better on my daughter then on myself (a score of 3 to 4 for me and 4 to 5 for my daughter. And I can tell you that as far as ArthroMine is concerned, it is 5 on 5 for her. I have recommended those products to some of my friends.”
Mrs Michelle C. - Ollainville, France


I have just begun my cure, after 20 days I already notice some good results. With a polyarthritis I feel less swelling in the morning waking up, my fingers are more agile.”
Mr. François D. - Dordives, France


I wanted to congratulate you for the quality of your products and your fast shipping of the orders. Since I am taking ArthroMine I am much more agile, I used to suffer from repeated sciatic neuralgia and this situation has greatly improved. All of this without side effects, unlike with the allopathic medication. As for SanDiaril, it is fantastic for the intestines, I have recommended it to my daughter in law who suffers from a Crohn disease condition, and she now feels much better. Thank you!”
Mrs Denise D. - Nantes, France


The ArthroMine treatment has really improved my condition, pains have faded away”
Mrs Denise D. - St-Cloud, France


I would like to express my great satisfaction with the results of your products, it is unheard of. I never got results with other products! Instead of buying anything and everything now I turn to you, I do not know what there is in your capsules (Deflatil - DynOrgan - ArthroMine - ArthriKal), but for every ailment or problem I had an incredible result! ! THANK YOU ”
Mrs Evelyne L., Meslan, France


"I order ArthroMine again from you, it is a very effective product for the joint pain that I suffer from since a very long time. I have added a product for my husband for his PSA level. "
Mrs Gilberte D. Nanterre, France