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List of Therapists

Here are some health professionals who use and recommend the Botavie products

LASER ARTLINE 01 – Anti-cellulite Modeling with Cellu-Quit oil from Botavie 755 Rue de Genève - 01210 Ornex, France - T.:(+33) 04 50 41 98 28     /

Michèle VAN DE WALLE  ( )    Background : Process Communication Management, Eriksonian Hypnosis, SHIATSU and Traditionnal Chinese Medicine,  Herbal medicine, Ayurveda, REIKI,    ?26 rue des Ecoles  59500 DOUAI   T. (+33)  03 27 96 58 90

Mr. Pascal Ponzio, Herbal medicine, practicing in Herblay - 95220, France - T.: (+33) 01 39  97 42 17

Mrs Grangier, Herbal medicine, practicing in Geneva - 1204, Switzerland - T.: (+41) 022 310 0948

Mrs Danielle Boussard, Herbal medicine practicing in Saint Salve - 59880, France T.: (+33) 03 27 29 99 30

Mr. Christophe Roland, Masseur, Kinesitherapy Established in Peruwelz - 7600, Belgium T.: (+32) 032 697 71895

Mr Michel Baeumlin, Herbal medicine, Established in Bettendorf - 68560, France T.: (+33) 03 89 07 11 10

Mr Bruno Rochas, Herbal medicine, Established in Toulouse - 31100, France??

Mrs Patrizia Latorre, Aroma therapy, Herbal medicine ?Established in Geneva - 1206, Switzerland T.:  (+41) 078  641 1469

Dr Evan Guikontes, Physician - General practice and Homeopathy, Established in Athens,  Greece

Perpharm Pharmacy, Established in Peruwelz, 7600 Belgium T.: (+32) 069 771 277

Boutique L'Erable, Natural products and supplements, Established in Ollioules, 83190, France T.: (+33) 04 94 63 07 31

Dr N. Y. Korjakov, Physician – General practice, Established in St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr  Dominique Eraud, Acupuncture and herbal medicine, Office: 21 rue Joubert 75009, Paris – T. : (+33) 01 42 81 58 00